This technical paper presents the testing results of an SAS®Viyaworkload on the DellEMC®VxFlex™system. The Dell EMC VxFlex was utilized as an MPP architecture for the Viyasystem. This effort involved testing a SAS Viyaworkload in MPP mode against 6 Dell R640 host nodes. The tests were performed to show the appliance scalability as well as uniformity of performance per MPPnode. This paper outlinesperformance test results performed by SAS, and general configuration and tuning considerations for the DellEMC VxFlexsystem for SAS Viyadeployments.
Testing overviews are discussed first. Next, detailed description of the actual test bed and workloadare provided along with a description of the test hardware. Test results follow, with a list of tuning recommendations. Finally, general considerations, recommendations for implementation with SAS Viya, and conclusions are discussed.