Big Data Analytics Options on AWS

As we become a more digital society, the amount of data being created and collected is growing and accelerating significantly. Analysis of this ever-growing data becomes a challenge with traditional analytical tools. We require innovation to bridge the gap between data being generated and data that can be analyzed effectively.

Big data tools and technologies offer opportunities and challenges in being able to analyze data efficiently to better understand customer preferences, gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace, and grow your business. Data management architectures have evolved from the traditional data warehousing model to more complex architectures that address more requirements, such as real-time and batch processing; structured and unstructured data; high-velocity transactions; and so on. Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides a broad platform of managed services to help you build, secure, and seamlessly scale end-to-end big data applications quickly and with ease. Whether your applications require real-time streaming or batch data processing, AWS provides the infrastructure and tools to tackle your next big data project. No hardware to procure, no infrastructure to maintain and scale—only what you need to collect, store, process, and analyze big data. AWS has an ecosystem of analytical solutions specifically designed to handle this growing amount of data and provide insight into your business.

Big Data Analytics Options on AWS