Blockchain Governance Models: Insights for Enterprises

The BCoE is housed in the Information Systems Department of the Sam M. Walton College of Business at the University of Arkansas. The BCoE was officially launched by the US State Governor of Arkansas, the Honorable Asa Hutchinson, on August 1, 2018. The center’s vision is to make the Sam M. Walton College of Business a premier academic leader in blockchain application research and education. The BCoE’s white paper series is one activity towards achieving that vision. As the BCoE aims to be platform agnostic, open, and inclusive, our white papers are available to the public following a 60-day sequester period with our Executive Advisor Board member firms. In keeping with the spirit of blockchains as an immutable ledger, the copyright is recorded on the Bitcoin blockchain using a service

The BCoE’s white papers are written for multiple audiences, including senior executives looking for the “So what?”, IT and innovation directors in charge of blockchain initiatives needing deeper insights, and students at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. Given the readership diversity, we write an Executive Summary for senior executives interested in the overall findings, a Full Report for managers directly engaged with enterprise blockchains, and often include several Appendices to assist novice readers.

Blockchain Governance Models: Insights for Enterprises